The John Lewis Christmas Advert has become something of a Task Map tradition over the years. To save teachers time, I thought I’d put one together this year—complete with a ‘Design Your Own Hoodie’ template. Click here to download the
The Swindmills of Your Mind: Responding to John Swinney's Edu-Speak
Snorghs at Sgoil na Pairc
P1 testing: from catastrophe to conspiracy?
As the P1 testing debacle rumbles on, John Swinney is stumbling head-first into another education fiasco – although perhaps even he is unaware of the harmful scenario he is presiding over. Last year, I observed a very able child complete
World Book Day Reflective Reading Lesson Download!
TESS Article: Do I have to spell it out? Synthetic phonics works
Preparing for Battle: This is my Fight Song
I’d like to teach the world to read… but I’d settle for every child in Scotland.
A Journey to the Dark Side: from Phonics Phobic to Phonics Fanatic
The Library That Blew My Mind
The Winner Takes It All
Why Upstart is a Nonstarter
Tackling Inequality Through Teaching: A Letter to the Prime Minister by Dr Marlynne Grant
TESS article: When it comes to literacy, let’s start at page 1
‘We’re the Superhumans’ Channel 4 Paralympics Advert Reading Lesson
Now that it's back to school – here's a topical Reflective Reading lesson to get you started. Based on the Channel 4 advert 'We are the Superhumans' for the Paralympics, it is rich in issues ripe for discussion. Thank you so
Education Scotland and the Mystery of the Shifty Document Swap
My Verdict: Education Scotland's 'Early Reading Briefing'
Scotland’s Standardised Testing: How did we get here?
*NEW* Mog's Christmas Calamity Task Map
*NEW* Man on the Moon Task Maps
*NEW* St. Andrew’s Day Task Map and Text
*FREE* Guy Fawkes Task Map!
Planning and Assessing Listening and Talking
I’m not angry, I’m livid (TESS article)
Read Between the Lines (TESS article)
Dear Ms Constance: An Open Letter
Identifying Reading Problems: How will I know?
Closing the Gap: Get a New Plan, Stan
It’s time to wake up and smell the /k/ /o/ /f/ /ee/
3-18 Literacy and English Review: THE BIT THEY MISSED OUT
Raising Attainment for All or just for 85%?
Why Everyone Needs an Assessment Giraffe
We're Too Hot (Hot Damn)*
It's a busy day today!
Making Your Mind Up
The Attainment Gap? What about The Teaching Gap?
Forget Valentine's Day…
Haggis, Neeps, Tatties and a Task Map!
Happy New Year and Happy New Term!
Dear Readers, Happy New Year! Well, as the first week back draws to a close, I’m sure that for most of you the term is already in full swing, the holidays are a hazy memory and you’re ready for the
Thank you P3/4 at Burgh Primary School!
Goodbye to Big Writing
Ring a Ring o’ Rosen
Brain Gym is Alive!
Is there a Trunchbull in your school?
A Word About Wow Words
Beyond the Hole in the Wall… but not much further
Handwriting is Dead (Oh no it isn’t!)
Reading my copy of TESS this week I was enjoying Fraser Speirs’ feature on using mobile phones in the classroom “Don’t run what ya brung”…until I got to the small print. Underneath the article some quotes from Fraser’s Tweets and