LZ TV: The Story Kitchen Downloads and Links
Congratulations for finishing The Story Kitchen online course on LZ TV!
All of the extra goodies, including the Mission to the Mountain PPT for Friday mornings and the Classroom Slides for the Deliberate Practice activities, can be downloaded below to help you get started.
If there’s something you need, but can’t find it – do let Anne know by email: anne@thelearningzoo.co.uk
Just click on the Spaghetti Yeti below to save the whole folder to your own computer. Happy reading and happy planning!
Recommended Reading and Resources
Defining the Butterfly by Tom Sherrington (@teacherhead) https://teacherhead.com/2013/11/20/defining-the-butterfly-knowing-the-standards-to-set-the-standards
New York Times: What’s Going On In This Picture? https://www.nytimes.com/column/learning-whats-going-on-in-this-picture
Course References
- The Writing Revolution by Judith Hochman and Natalie Wexler
- Writing Revolution 2.0 by Judith Hochman and Natalie Wexler
- Best Practices in Writing Instruction by Steve Grahan et al
- Handbook of Writing Research 2nd Edition by by Charles A. MacArthur et al
- Retrieval Practice: Primary: A guide for primary teachers and leaders by Kate Jones
- Teach Like a Champion 3.0: 63 Techniques that Put Students on the Path to College by Doug Lemov
Early Years Toolkit, Education Endowment Foundation https://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/education-evidence/early-years-toolkit
Ochre Education: Free Reading Spine and Curriculum Maps
Ochre Education Reading Spine https://ochre.org.au
Ochre Education Free and Complete English Curriculum Maps https://ochre.org.au/ac/curriculum-maps/#
Assessment and Feedback
No More Marking (the future of assessment!) https://www.nomoremarking.com/products/apw?countryCode=GB
Austin’s Butterfly from EL Education (Video and butterfly drafts) https://modelsofexcellence.eleducation.org/resources/austins-butterfly
Spelling Websites
www.prefixsuffix.com Rooty & Meany games; app available
https://thesaurus.plus/ synonyms, antonyms, pigeons and dinosaurs
www.visualthesaurus.com need more challenging word lists?
https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/ best for word origin
www.phonicsinternational.com @debbiehepp
www.dyslexics.org.uk @SusanGodsland
Spelling: Root Charts
www.oakton.edu list of Greek and Latin roots for printing
Making Books
New Pop-Up Paper Projects: Step-by-step paper engineering for all ages by Paul Johnson
Making Books by Paul Johnson